Katarina Lupsinová

International Permanent Makup Master and Trainer

Follow me:
⭐️ IG: @kybrows.master
⭐️ E-Shop: https://kybrows.eu
⭐️ Online Course here: https://www.training.pmuskills.com/courses/katarina-lupsinova-kybrows-for-pmuskills/

Katarina Lupsinova pmu online course, hairstroke. Learn online pmu with video and tutorials

Katarina Lupsinová bio and career

I’m Katarína Lupsinová, Katy or KYBROWS. PMU lover and The Winner of GOLD MICROPHONE, the award for THE BEST PRIME SPEAKER OF WULOP 2023. An International PMU Master, Coach, Speaker, Judge and Founder of KYBROWS studio & academy. I live with my lovely family in Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, in beautiful country of Central Europe.

I am passioned about beauty & PMU industry. I do love to share my experience I have gained in the world of PMU where im active from 2018. The hard work, interest, knowledge and open mind i consider as my strongest foundation.

And that is how my SIGNITURE hairstrokes technique, strokes and shapes were created. We can have everything we want, we have way too many options available, but we somehow forgot that we are looking for something more valuable. It is the CHARM. A spark that no one can resist, the aura that shines around us. It is the energy of an absolute goddess who gets what my client wants only with a single glance. Because brows are crowns of the eyes.

As artist, i want always create confidence, attraction, mystery and natural perfection of my client’s look. Thank to my special shape creation i can achieve all those atributes. I do not just work, I create, with all passion, in my beautiful studio & academy in Bratislava.

My previous experiences and failures have shown me how i want lead my students and future artists. I am honoured to teach my signature methods and technique all around the world. I love to share my tips & tricks, the shapes and all technical information which help to get out of the comfort zone of my students. There is never one person. We help each other and inspire each other. I believe in magic and all people around me.

Together we are stronger. As someone said, never look back, move forward. Only this way you become better and stronger.

And I am with you.

Katarna-Lupsinova Permanent Makeup Works

Katarína Lupsinová Professional Activities and Awards

Prime Speaker, Wulop England, october 2023
Prime Speaker, MICRO PARIS, CONGRESS, october 2023
Prime Speaker, Wulop AUSTRIA, september 2023
Prime Speaker, Wulop GREECE, september 2023
Prime Speaker, Wulop PORTUGAL, september 2023
Hygiene Controler, Wulop PORTUGAL, september 2023
Prime Speaker, WorldS PMU Competition & Congress MEXICO, august 2023
Prime Speaker, WorldS PMU Competition & Congress ORLANDO, august 2023
Prime Speaker, Worlsd MOLDOVA, july 2023
Prime Speaker, WorldS PMU Competition & Congress MADRID, july 2023
Prime Speaker, Wulop POLAND, june 2023
Jury, Wulop Czech & Slovak Republic, june 2023
Prime Speaker, The Queens Night, ITALY, june 2023
Prime Speaker, Czech Congress, CZECH REPUBLIC, june 2023
Prime Speaker & Jury, PMU DIAMOND CONGRESS & Wulop HUNGARY, june 2023
Prime Speaker, Ingternational PMU Congres, SLOVAKIA, may 2023
Jury, SLOVAK PMU CONGRESS, sept 2022
Prime Speaker, SLOVAK PMU CONGRESS, sept 2022
Prime Speaker, CZECH PMU CONGRESS, aug 2022
Prime Speaker, WULOP VIETNAM, aug 2022
Prime Speaker, SEMIFINAL WULOP Congress EX CZECHO SLOVAKIA, jun 2022
Prime Speaker, Beautiful Minds International Congress, 26 feb 2022
Prime Speaker & Judge, Semifinal WULOP EX CZECHO SLOVAKIA 2021
Winner of several International Competitions in 2019-2020

Owner of Kybrows Studio & Academy in Bratislava, Slovakia

Artyst (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Quantum (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Permablend (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Microbeau (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Evenflo (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Kwadron (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Vertix (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Etalon Mix (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Makeup Supply (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Swiss Color (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Brovi Pigments (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)
Hanafy (PmuSkills Competition Sponsor)

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PmuSkills Conference offers ongoing training with immediate access to Premium Cosmetic Tattoo online courses. Start learning today in English or Italian

Register Now for the PMUSkills Competition 2025

You have until May 30, 2025, to submit your work and participate in the most prestigious online PMU Competition ever

Organizers: Mariya Savchenko (co-founder, technical direction, Pierdante Romei (co-founder, Marketing and Visuals)

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