Nue Conceal
Platinum Sponsor

Professional Products for Permanent Makeup Artists
Instagram: @nueconceal
Youtube: @BiancaFestejo
Facebook: @biancafestejohub


The Mission Behind NUE

To deliver exceptional  quality of advise, care and support.
We long to improve students and clients training and wellbeing by gving them the right advice and putting them in control.

NUE was founded with the vision of producing innovative and affordable solutions to help our clients improve business profitability, and drive technology advancements that will deliver the next generation of cosmetic tattooing.

Founded in France in 2018, NUE has become one of the world’s leading-edge cosmetic companies.

We welcome people into the creative world by providing them with technology, colors and textures that will allow them to express their style in the best manner.  We believe that color is the core  feature for beauty and we devote ourselves  to finding the solutions to bring out the beauty in women. Focusing on foreign operations since it’s inception, NUE decided to relocate its headquarters to California in 2021. Now in Beverly Hills, we adopt change and ideas to improve our vision, products, services and processes.


Our devices block out all ambient light. You can take a measurement in bright sun or the pitch dark. The NUE device provides its own, highly calibrated LED light source, making sure you get a consistent, accurate scan under any conditions. The reflected light from the skin being measured is then collected by the Nue’s proprietary high-resolution sensor for processing and automatic error detection.

The results of the scan are instantly transmitted to your smart device via Bluetooth, where the colorimetric data is converted to digital values, our tailored database set up for your specific workflow.

NUE Technology

A revolution in cosmetic tattooing. Nearly every technological advancement goes through a period of skepticism, our industry innovation has paved the way for growth and change.

Before and after


Beverly Hills Headquarters
9440 Santa Monica Blvd,Beverly Hills (CA), 90210

+1 (310) 905 6968

Academy London
160 City Road, Kemp House, London (UK),

+44 745 127 6737


Enter Pmuskills Permanent Makeup Online Competition


Don't Miss Out!

35+ Webinars for a real PMU training experience

Register Now for the PMUSkills Conference 2025

PmuSkills Conference offers ongoing training with immediate access to Premium Cosmetic Tattoo online courses. Start learning today in English or Italian

Register Now for the PMUSkills Competition 2025

You have until May 30, 2025, to submit your work and participate in the most prestigious online PMU Competition ever

Organizers: Mariya Savchenko (co-founder, technical direction, Pierdante Romei (co-founder, Marketing and Visuals)

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Attend more than 20+ Webinar and improve your skills

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